Deciding which Spectra breast pump is best for you can be challenging. Spectra S1 vs S2 which one should you get?
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Spectra S1 Plus and S2 Plus Differences
Although both models are very similar, there are a few key differences between the Spectra S1 and Spectra S2.
1. Portability
The biggest difference between the Spectra S1 vs S2 is that the S1 has a built-in rechargeable battery making it portable. The portability allows for pumping on the go. The battery life of the S1 is about 3 hours. In order to use the S2 model, you have to be plugged into an outlet in order for the pump to work.
2. Price
The portability difference between the Spectra S1 vs S2 makes the S1 more expensive. The S1 model comes in around $216.00 and the S2 is around $172.00.
3. Weight
S1 weighs about a half pound more than the S2 due to the weight of the built-in rechargeable battery.
4. Color Option
Another small difference between the two models is that the S1 only comes in blue and white and the S2 only comes in pink and white.
Spectra S1 Plus and S2 Plus Similarities
The S1 models and S2 models are very similar in how there features and ability to perform.
4. Double Electric breast pump with the ability to use as a single electric breast pump
6. Closed system breast pump design
9. Adjustable expression modes
11. Limited manufacturer parts warranty for 90 days after date of purchase
12. Limited manufacturer’s pump warranty 2 years after date of purchase
Best Features of a Spectra S Plus Breast Pump
There is a reason why the Spectra S Plus models are one of the most popular breast pumps. Here is what makes them a fan-favorite.
1. Quiet
These pumps have an extremely quiet motor. It is not loud or obnoxious and you can be pumping in one room and not hear it in another room. If you want to be incognito and discreet from a sound perspective, this is your pump.
2. Built-in Night Light
Having a night light while pumping in the middle of the night is such a great feature to include in a breast pump. A night light allows you to pump without turning on a light and waking up your husband or baby. It also helps see what buttons you are pushing on your breast pump when it is dark.
3. Adjustable Suction Levels
The Spectra S1 and S2 are extremely comfortable to use because of the ability to adjust the suction levels in both the massage and expression modes. You don’t feel like you’re being milked like a cow with this pump. Suction levels range from 0-270mmHg.
4. Gently and Effectively Empties the breast
Spectra S1 and Spectra S2 are both very gentle on the nipples. They aren’t aggressive in how they massage the breasts to get a nice let-down. I have tried a Medela breast pump and it was not gentle at expressing breastmilk compared to the Spectra S series.
Not only are the Spectra S Plus models comfortable to use they do a fantastic job at emptying your breasts. This reduces the chances of clogged ducts and mastitis.
5. Mimics the suckling of a nursing infant
This is important when using a breast pump. If you don’t feel comfortable and relaxed while using a breast pump you will get less breastmilk during your pumping sessions. The adjustable massage mode helps get your breasts ready for a let-down and it is similar to the suckling of a nursing infant.
6. Hygienic
Because both spectra pump breast pumps are built with a closed system this does not allow breastmilk to travel down the tubing and potentially entering the breast pump itself. There is a barrier that forces the milk to take a certain path which is designed to reduce contamination.
7. Good Customer Service
When I purchased the Spectra S1 breast pump, one of my flanges came cracked. I was able to get it replaced quickly and easily.
Factors to Consider when Buying a Breast Pump
What works best for one mother doesn’t necessarily work best for another. In order to figure out what breast pump works best for you some factors need to be considered.
1. How do you plan to use your breast pump?
This is a huge piece in determining what breast pump works best for you and your lifestyle. Do you plan on going back to work and pumping or do you plan on staying home and using the breast pump on occasion? Plan on going back to work? Do you need to have the ability to pump fast? Plan on solely pumping which means you need an effective breast pump?
It is hard to predict the frequency of use when you’ve never had a baby before as many factors can play a role in nursing successfully. Figure out what your ideal nursing and/or breast-pumping scenario is and go from there.
If you plan on going back to work after your baby is born having a portable breast pump is very important. You will find that outlets aren’t always accessible when you are out of the house.
If you are a mother who plans on staying home after your baby is born, having a portable breast pump may not be a priority. I will say even while at home, it is nice having a portable pump because it allows you the freedom to be anywhere in or out of the house. You can sit in any comfortable spot you want with a portable pump.
You never know where you will find yourself pumping and having a portable pump gives you the freedom to do it anywhere.
Double Pumping or Single Pumping
Having a double electric breast pump allows for a quick pump session because you can empty both breasts out at the same time. If you plan on going back to work or stay home and exclusively use a breast pump I highly recommend a double breast pump. It saves you a lot of time.
A single electric breast pump is more beneficial for mothers who plan on being a stay at home mothers and want to nurse. This scenario always for one breast to be available for nursing and the other to use the breast pump to extract milk. This can help provide extra milk for storage for a date night or anytime you may need to be away from your baby.
Even if you plan on exclusively nursing, I recommend having a breast pump on hand. You never know when you will have a clogged duct that needs to be emptied more than your infant does, or if your infant is unable to nurse due to lip, tongue, or mouth anomalies.
Frequency of Use
The more frequently you plan on using your breast pump, the more important it is to buy a reliable, effective, and efficient hospital-grade pump.
If you are exclusively pumping or plan on returning to work, you will want a pump that has strong enough suction to empty your breasts.
If you are planning to nurse exclusively and don’t plan on using a breast pump or plan on using a breast pump infrequently you may not need the more effective breast pump on the market.
2. Medical Insurance Coverage
Many medical insurance plans cover select breast pumps in full. Most of the time insurance companies cover the bare minimum. Many insurances allow you to “upgrade” to a noncovered breast pump and have you pay the difference.
I went through my insurance company to get my first breast pump. My breast pump was sent to me after I had my baby and that is about it. I had no idea insurance covered replacement supplies and other motherhood essentials until I had my second child and ordered another pump through Aeroflow Breastpumps.
Aeroflow is a third-party company that works with your insurance company and does all of the paperwork to get your breast pump on your behalf. They let me know what other motherhood essentials are covered by insurance and send replacement parts for your breast pump like tubing, flanges, and valves. Who knew my insurance covered so much?
3. Price
We all know having a baby isn’t cheap and sometimes finances can limit our options. Thankfully, with most insurance plans a few breast pumps will be covered in full.
My experience with the Spectra S1 Plus Breast Pump
I purchased the Spectra S1 in 2019. My plan was to exclusively nurse while at home and pump while at work. Unfortunately, my son had a posterior tongue tie and lip tie that wasn’t detected until 7 months old. I had to give up nursing after 6 weeks due to the pain nursing was causing me and exclusively pumped for 12 months.
The Spectra S1 has had an amazing battery life, is very quiet, has a gentle yet effective suction, and was a lifesaver for me because I wanted to give my child breastmilk. It gave me the ability to sit anywhere I wanted around the house, pump quickly at work, and pump in so many crazy places like restaurants, weddings, airplanes, museums, and cars without any problems. The S1 was one of the essentials in my breast pump bag.

Spectra S1 Plus
I chose the Spectra S1 Plus because of its portability, quiet motor, and effectiveness of emptying the breasts. I knew I was going back to work and needed to be able to pump anywhere and be discreet doing it. I exclusively used this breast pump for 12 months and it exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend the S1 Plus.
When my sister had her first child, she decided to get the Spectra S2 and she often would ask to borrow my S1 due to its ability to be portable. It is one of the best breastfeeding accessories every mother will love.
Spectra S1 vs S2 Breast Pump Wrap Up
Ultimately the Spectra S1 and S2 are very similar and both do a great job of getting the girls milked. It is not a surprise that the Spectra S models are one of the most popular breast pumps on the market. They have a quiet motor, built-in night light, adjustable suction levels, effectively empty the breasts and are comfortable.
If you are planning on going back to work or like the idea of being able to pump in any place or scenario then the S1 is your breast pump of choice and worth the little splurge. You really can’t go wrong between the Spectra S1 vs S2. It is all about lifestyle and personal preference.
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