To all of the mommas who pump for your babies, you all rock! After having two babies I’ve learned (albeit the hard way) what items are essential to pack in your breast pump bag.
Pumping at work or on the go can be challenging. You can avoid some of my mishaps by putting these 8 essential items in your breast pump bag.
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What Is an Essential Item to Pack in your Breast Pump Bag?
An essential item is an item that is important and absolutely necessary to pack in your pumping bag.
1. Breast Pump and Breast Pump Parts

This may sound obvious but if you’ve ever forgotten to put your pump or your pump parts/flanges in your bag before work or on the go you know how essential a pump can be!
I put my clean pump parts and flanges in a wet bag and insert that in my breast pump bag. Alternatively, you could use a Ziploc bag to hold your pump parts.
My favorite breast pump is the Spectra S1. It is portable, can be used as a single or double pump, is quiet, and has multiple different let-down and pumping settings.
Bringing my charger has been a lifesaver. If you have a light on your breast pump and it turns, you have your battery to charge it back up. If the pump accidentally turns on in your bag without you noticing, have no fear you have your breast pump charger.
2. Breast Pump Charger
Bringing my charger has been a lifesaver. If your pump light or your pump itself turns on and it dies that is a huge problem when you are at work.
You won’t believe how many times this happens when you are on the go. Having a charger to use when you’re in a pickle is one of the essentials to pack in your breast pump bag.
3. Hands-Free Pumping Bra
Having a hands-free pumping bra made pumping more enjoyable (as enjoyable as pumping can ever be) when you’re sitting there being milked like a cow.
This gives you the ability to continue to work or a break to scan your phone or do something enjoyable while pumping.
4. Infant or Toddler Bath Towel
No matter how careful you are those drips and spills can and will get you while you’re pumping.
Covering your lap with a towel is a MUST! Infant towels are the easiest to pack in your breast pump bag because they are small and compact.
5. Ceres Chill

This was the best purchase I decided to make after having my second child. Let me tell you it was worth every penny. It is one of the best breastfeeding accessories every mom will love.
With my first child, I carried three bags to work every day and it was horrible. I packed my purse, a small pump bag, and an ice chest with two mason jars to carry my milk home in. There had to be a product out there that could hold my milk and keep it cold.
I stumbled upon Ceres Chill which makes a milk storage bottle that keeps your breast milk cold all day. You can even pump right into the container which reduces the mess and clean-up time.
If you have a Ceres Chill, you won’t need to pack an ice chest or milk storage bags, This is a semi-new product on the market so we have an in-depth review of the Ceres Chill.
6. Nursing Cover
A nursing cover is essential in a breast pump bag. It gives you privacy to pump when you’re in a public place.
It also helps while you’re pumping in a private place too. In general, using a nursing cover while you pump can help you relax and visually take the pressure off of yourself.
This helps you get more milk! Ultimately, any milk you’re able to produce is good no matter the quantity.
7. Water Bottle
If you’ve ever nursed or pumped you will quickly find out it makes you extremely thirsty. I always had a full bottle of water in my bag.
I would suggest packing nothing less than a 30-ounce water bottle. You will be thirsty and you need to stay hydrated!My favorite water bottle is the Stanley Ice Flow stainless steel water bottle with a straw. It keeps your water cold, has a straw, and has a thick handle for carrying.
8. Snacks
Healthy snacks to have on hand while nursing is essential. I don’t know about you but I was always hungry! Some good treat ideas are nuts, trail mix, granola bars, and fruit.
Don’t forget to put snacks in your breast pump bag. Mamma breastfeeding is hard work!
9. Nursing Breast Pads
For anyone who is nursing or breastfeeding, it is always a good idea to pack extra disposable or reusable nursing pads in your breast pump bag.
For hygiene purposes, it is a good idea to change our nursing pads with every pumping session or when soaked.
Other Helpful Items you Could Pack in Your Pump Bag:
- Wet Bag
- Hand Sanitizer
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Lip Balm
- Extra shirt or blouse
What Is a Breast Pump Bag?
A breast pump bag is a bag that carries your breast pump and breastfeeding supplies while out and about.
If you are a working mother or plan on leaving your house regularly, a breast pump bag is a must. They are extremely useful to keep your breastfeeding supplies organized and separate from other things you wouldn’t want near them.
Essential Items to Pack in Your Breast Pump Bag Wrap Up
Going back to work can be challenging and cause you stress. Being prepared and knowing what is essential to put in your breast pump bag can alleviate the transition from maternity leave to working in the office again.
This list gives you everything you need to be successful pumping at work.