Luke knows is always looking for guest blog contributors. We seek content that is helpful to our readers.

Who Are Our Readers
Our audience is a broad group. We strive to meet the needs of mothers and fathers. This means our readers range from stay-at-home moms and dads to working mothers and fathers.
Our readers love product recommendations, inspirational stories, and articles that are helpful in their parenting journey.
What Can You Write About
We have a broad range of topics you can write about for Luke knows. It ranges from traveling as a family to how to parent adult children. The topics are endless! Get your creative juices flowing and pitch us a ONE-OF-A-KIND article idea.
We have the right to deny a guest post submission. Just because you email us a pitch does not mean it will be accepted.
For those that need a little help with ideas, we are looking for topics in these areas:
- Traveling with your family
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Parenting
- Motherhood (SAHM and working motherhood)
- Fatherhood (SAHF and working fatherhood)
- Breastfeeding and nursing
- Lifestyle
- Inspirational stories that pertain to motherhood or fatherhood
Ultimately we will accept any article that falls under the umbrella of parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood, and family. All articles must benefit our readers.
What to have included with your Pitch
We would love to hear from you. Please send us an email to [email protected] with up to 3 pitch ideas. We will review your pitches and one pitch will be accepted. We will email you and let you know what pitch we are excited you will write.
Please make sure each pitch includes:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Pitch idea Titles
- A brief overview of each pitch idea
- Link to your website and social media handles
Writing Guidelines for Guest Posts
After a pitch is submitted and accepted any guest post written may still be denied. If guidelines are not followed, it is more likely your guest post will be denied.
Please read and follow the guidelines carefully.
- We do not accept guest post topics we’ve already covered
- We do not accept guest post articles that you’ve already published elsewhere (your blog or prior guest posts)
- Articles should not be plagiarised.
- All articles should be helpful and appealing to our audience (mothers and/or fathers)
- All articles should have a minimum of 900 words
- All articles should have high-quality backlinks within the article. Backlinks should enhance what is already written. All backlinks will be vetted and not all backlinks will be in the final article and/or will have different anchor text than what was submitted. The only do-follow backlink we can guarantee is to your website. All other backlinks are subject to change or to deletion. Do not be spammy or overly self-promotional.
- Link to resources that will help our readers and enhance the article.
- Luke Knows has the right to edit the guest post submission. This means backlinks, headings, photos, etc. may be changed. If the guest post was not written to our standards and has to be completely redone that article will not be published. Please review other guest posts before submitting them.
- We do not accept affiliate links in guest posts
- Please edit your work for grammatical errors. A tool like Grammarly is helpful to detect grammatical errors.
- Keep your sentences short. Please write sentences of less than 20 words if possible.
- Use proper headings and subheadings (H2, H3, H4) in the article
- Provide relevant photos and source these photos. Photos need to be attached to the email AND placed in the written article where you would like them placed. If photos do not have sources we will not use them. Instead, we will find images that are copywritten for free.
- For sponsored posts please email Luke Knows for further instruction.
- All articles except for inspirational stories need to be written from the second-person perspective.
- All guest posts need to have a high-quality headshot and a bio written in the third person. Each BIO should be around 50 words. Please attach your BIO to the email submission. Each written bio will have a do-follow link back to your website and other social media handles.
- Once a guest post article is submitted (not the pitch) it may take up to 90 days for the article to be published. Remember if the final guest post submission does not follow the guidelines it will not be published.
Guest Post Examples
Here are examples of some of our favorite guest posts:
29 Side Jobs For Stay-At-Home Moms
5 Simple Tips For Camping With Kids
25 Health Recipies For Families
When Do I Expect my Guest Post to be Published?
After a pitch is accepted you can start writing your guest post. We prefer each guest post article to be submitted via email with Google Docs. Please follow the guest post guidelines carefully.
It will take up to 90 days from when your article was sent to us for it to be published. Remember we have to edit, format, and review every guest post article before it is published.
If you have a time-sensitive article and would like it published sooner, please let us know as we have prime posting positions available.
How do I Submit an Article?
Once your pitch is accepted we will give you directions on how to submit an article via email.
By submitting and publishing an article you are agreeing and acknowledging that Luke Knows owns the rights to your article.
Our team will have the right to edit each article as we see fit. Your article should be 100% authentic and original. It should not be republished on any other site including your own.
No compensation will be given to any guest post authors. All guest post articles will of course credit the author with a link to your social media handles and website. The link to your website will be a do-follow link.
To publish posts we may charge a small nonrefundable fee. This fee covers our time to review, edit, and format the post to get it ready to be published. We spend a lot of time curating every post for our readers. It still takes time to review posts that weren’t accepted due to not following the guest post article guidelines. This means, that even though your pitch was accepted, if your article doesn’t follow the guidelines you will not get a refund.
If payment is required, it should be sent when your article is sent to us. Please don’t send payment with your pitch. We want to make sure your pitch idea is accepted first. Directions on that process will come once your pitch is accepted via email.
We Can’t Wait To Feature YOU!
We can’t wait to feature you and your work on our website. We look forward to collaborating. By collaborating together we get to share and showcase your work with other bloggers and community members.
If you have any questions or concerns about a pitch topic, guidelines, or your article please don’t hesitate to send us an email to [email protected].