As men, we seldom think about self-care. Usually, we just keep the train rolling until the wheels fall off. Sticking to the “rub some dirt on it” approach.
However, men thrive when they have a purpose. Often times this purpose is in the form of support or ability to provide financially, emotionally, or physically.
When men perform to the best of their abilities it often involves self-care.
Here are some ways guys might be able to look after themselves so we can continue being lovable scallywags effectively.
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12 Self-Care Ideas For Busy Men
Modern men should practice some form of self-care. Some self-care ideas for men may include:
1. Get Out Into Nature
Getting fresh air and removing yourself from daily life can be invigorating. Getting out into nature can simply be a walk through a park, a hike in the mountains, fishing on a lake, or a camping trip with your friends and family.

2. Go Golfing
Golfing is another way to get fresh air, a little exercise, and some friendly competition with your bros. Spending a half-day at the golf course can give you the mental break you need to recharge.
3. Get A Massage
Guys, we live in a time when men can get massages at a spa! Hell yeah, for being a modern man! Working out the knots and kinks from stress and getting a few hours of alone time is crucial to physical and mental rejuvenation. Heck, maybe get a facial too, and kickstart your new skincare routine.
4. Plan Some Guy Time
Being in a community with a group of guys is extremely important in supporting our mental well-being. As humans, we were never meant to walk through life alone. Planning time with the guys can simply be planning a phone call, a time to meet up for lunch, or a guy’s trip.
5. Stretch and Exercise
Physical health is crucial when talking about self-care. Exercising releases endorphins such as serotonin which makes us feel happy. Individuals who aren’t depressed typically have more serotonin than those that are. If our body isn’t feeling good, our minds are likely to not feel great either. Our overall wellness is interrelated and you have to keep all engines oiled.

6. Unplug
As a society, humans are connected to our phones due to FOMO. Checking our emails, texts, and social media accounts can be exhausting. It can make us feel like we aren’t as good as that guy on Instagram with a 6 pack (of beer or abs who knows…). Comparison can steal our joy and self-esteem. Locking your phone in your gun safe is a form of self-care. So put down your phone, connect with those around you, and remember that you are enough.
7. Journal
Let me tell you, journaling isn’t just for women. Journalling is a wonderful form of self-care and has so many benefits. It lets you spend some alone time with your thoughts, allows for gratitude, and can not alone inspire you but help you achieve your goals. Men, get yourself a journal and you won’t regret it.
8. Meditate and/or Pray
We all need spiritual self-care. Connecting with a higher power and your inner self can make all the difference in our mental health. This can come in the form of prayer or meditation.
There are so many devices that help with anxiety and stress. A great meditation app that connects to your phone is Head Space. It is perfect beginners as it walks you through breathing properly and focusing your mind from wandering. Of course, if your mid wanders, just bring it back to the body.
Or maybe you would rather do yoga or volunteer in your community. Either way it is a form of connecting with your inner self.
9. Don’t Put off Doctors Appointments
Men have the notion that when they have a problem “rub some dirt on it” and move along. To all of the males out there with this point of view, don’t be stupid. Just because our grandpa didn’t go to the doctor doesn’t mean you don’t need to either. You can still be a tough guy and take care of your body.

Here are some doctors appointments that may enhance your overall wellness:
- Annual physical with your primary care physician
- Annual eye appointment with your local optometrist
- Annual teeth cleaning with your dentist
- Skeletal tune-up with a chiropractor
- Seeking care from a counselor or mental health specialist
10. Get Adequate Sleep
Sleep is something everyone wishes they could get more of. There is just too much we have to get done in a day and we don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is not only good for our mental health, but such an easy way to practice self-care. It is recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Adjust or cut out activities in your schedule that promote and prioritize good sleep.
Tip: Do you want better sleep?! Stop looking at your cell phone at least 30 minutes before bed. If you are really ambitious, stop looking at any form of screens 2 hours before bedtime for the best sleep!
11. Do an activity You Love
We all had hobbies before we got super busy. Somehow work and family life can consume us and we forget ourselves. A great form of self-care is getting back into an old hobby or starting a new one. This activity doesn’t have to be done weekly. Just try and implement it in a way that does not feel overwhelming. Maybe you go golfing once a month or take your kids fishing a few times during the summer.
12. Take A Mental Health Day
This may sound taboo, but mental health days are awesome. This is typically a day where you take a day off of work and have a day just for you. This means while your kids are in daycare, you get personal space to recharge. Fill this day with things that fill up your cup. That may mean you stay home and binge-watch your favorite show or you get outside and hunt. You can fit so many self-care activities into a day dedicated to your mental health.

What is Self-Care?
Self-care in general means taking care of your body, mind, and soul. This means our physical, emotional, and mental health is taken care of. When our overall wellness is cared for, it can promote healthy coping mechanisms and strategies that allow us to handle stress and our daily lives better.
Self-care is not an extravagant way to reduce stress and achieve balance in your daily routine. It is a way to cope with technology, and our daily demands from work, and fight heightened anxiety.
Self-care does not have to be complicated and may look different for each and every person. Find self-care activities that fill up your cup and slowly implement them into your schedule in a way that is not overwhelming.
Why is Self-Care Important for Men?
Men need to practice self-care because burnout is REAL. Both men and women need to implement self-care into their routine. If you have a female counter-part who would benefit from self-care, we got you. Send this her way.
Although women have a tendency to overwork themselves and never get a “sick” day, men also have similar needs that need to be met. Yes, they come from slightly different angles, but the endpoint is the same. We all CRASH and BURN. This leads to feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. Many times if our mental health is not taken care of neither is our physical health.
Ultimately, if you aren’t feeling good your relationships, attitude, and overall well-being are negatively affected.
Why Don’t Men Practice Self-Care?
Historically men have been told to “suck it up” or go “walk it off” when they get hurt mentally or physically. When this is the advice given of course many men will think practicing a self-care routine is for the “weak” or maybe their pride gets in the way of admitting to it.
In the society we live in, many men and women are sharing the “load” and the gender inequality gap is closing. This means that roles and the way we take care of ourselves are also changing.
How Can Men Implement Self-care With A Busy Lifestyle?
So how the heck can we implement a self-care routine in our crazy busy lives without feeling overwhelmed?
1. Take Baby Steps
Starting a new habit takes time. A great way to start a new routine is by taking baby steps. Find one self-care idea that would really fill up your cup and do that first. Try and incorporate that activity once every other week. Evaluate how you are feeling and add more self-care ideas from there. Slowly build upon your routine instead of adding everything all at once.
2. Be Flexible
When thinking about incorporating self-care, know that when you are in a busy season of life taking care of yourself may look a little different. That may mean you take a long hot shower a few times a week or maybe your partner puts down the children for bed while you get an hour to yourself before bedtime.
Self-care should not cause anxiety. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if your schedule is too crazy to go to the golf course or get a massage.
If your schedule is so busy that you can’t implement self-care you may consider re-evaluating what is important. You may need to say no to activities that don’t align with your goals or values.
3. Make Time for Yourself
When you have to take care of so many other people, making time for yourself is hard. But this part is important for your physical and mental health.

Making time for yourself may mean you have to say no to family or friends, set boundaries for your co-workers and employees, or block out some alone time in your schedule with yourself or your spouse.
4. Ask for Help
For many busy men, asking for help isn’t the go too. We think we have to do it all ourselves. This may mean you hire a babysitter so you and your spouse can go on a date, hire a landscaper to take care of your yard, or find a teenager to dog sit so you can go on a hunting trip.
Although men carry a lot on their shoulders, it is best to share the load from time to time.
Self-Care Ideas For Men Wrap-Up
Self-care comes in many forms. It ranges from our physical health to our mental health. Self-care makes you resilient and rejuvenates your body and mind. It can be as simple as taking a long hot shower or sitting on a boat soaking up the sunshine. Who cares if you aren’t catching any fish? It is about finding that balance and living life in moderation.
Find self-care activities that you love and slowly incorporate them into your schedule. A great way to make time for yourself start by taking baby steps. You may even have to say no to things that aren’t helping you achieve your personal, physical, and spiritual goals. Asking for help is a great way to give you the time and space you need to relax and reflect.
Although men tend to avoid self-care it has so many great benefits. It can reduce stress and anxiety, improves self-esteem, and increases productivity, and overall happiness.
It is important to have good mental health. So prioritize it with some manly self-care.